How To Choose A Potty Training Seat

Potty Training is a HUGE milestone for you and your child. It's also a tricky one! From experience three of my children potty trained 'well' and early. We started the potty training process (because it is a process) before the age of 2.

Son no 2 however was a different story as he danced to his own tune, as always! No amount of cajoling, stickers, rewards or coaxing could get him to use the potty. Eventually we bought the 'Elmo Potty Training' DVD and he enjoyed watching it while sitting on the potty - but didn't actually go.

That was, until one Saturday morning a little while after he had turned 3. We were all enjoying breakfast together. Mid breakfast, no2 son got down from his chair and headed out of the room. When we asked where he was going, he said 'to the toilet' and that was that! He waited to toilet train until HE was ready. Not when we wanted him to do it.

Fast forward 14 years and he is still the same!

In saying all of this however, having the right potty training gear can really help...or at least make the process easier with one less hurdle. In this post, we'll cover the different types of potties and potty training seats available and benefits of each one.

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Types of Potty Training Seats

Shop My Carry Potty

Types of Potty Training Seats

When it comes to potty training seats, each type has its perks and potential pitfalls, so let’s break them down. Here's the different types of potty training seats:


A standalone potty that sits on the floor, similar to a mini toilet.

Benefits of using a Potty

  • Perfect for little ones, it's toddler-sized and easy to sit on.
  • Portable, so you can move it from room to room.
  • Often comes in fun designs that make potty time exciting.
  • Available as a Carry Potty which means you can carry it to the toilet without spills, or take it out and about if necessary

Potential Drawbacks to a Potty

  • Needs cleaning.
  • Quite different to a regular toilet seat which makes the next stage up more tricky.

Shop Toilet Training Seats

Potty Training Seats

A seat that sits on top of your regular toilet, reducing the size of the hole to make it child-friendly. Look out for ones made from cushioned material which is more comfortable and feels warmer than a standard toilet seat. Fits on any shape or size toilet.

Benefits of Potty Training Seats

  • Great for transitioning to the big toilet.
  • Saves space since it fits onto your existing toilet.
  • Often includes handles for added security.

Potential Drawbacks of Potty Training Seats

  • Some kids might find the height a bit much.
  • You’ll need a step stool for them to reach the seat comfortably.

Travel Potties

Portable potties designed for on-the-go use. It's great for using when out and about for potty training, as toilets may not be to hand when the need arises!

Benefits to Travel Potties

  • Highly portable and perfect for trips or outings.
  • Many models can be used as a potty chair or a potty seat.

Potential Drawbacks to Travel Potties

  • Might not be as sturdy as standard potties.
  • May be less comfortable, depending on design.

Age and Size Guidelines

Although every child is different, the age and size of your child can help determine the best type of potty training seat.

18-24 months

Potty chairs are ideal as they are easier for toddlers to sit on independently.

24-36 months

Depending on your child's confidence and size, transitioning to a potty seat that fits on the regular toilet can be great for children close to being fully potty trained.

Factors to Consider When Choosing the Right Potty Training Seat

Besides age and size, there are several key factors to keep in mind when selecting a potty training seat.


Look for seats with non-slip bases, sturdy construction, and secure attachments to prevent accidents.


A cushioned seat can make the experience more pleasant, encouraging regular use.

Ease of Cleaning

Seats that are easy to clean will make your life much easier!


If you travel often, a lightweight and portable seat can be much more convenient.  Even better if it can be sealed shut, like 'My Carry Potty'


Choose a seat made from high-quality materials that can withstand regular use.


Potty training seats come in a wide range of prices. Choose one that is high-quality but within your budget.

Potty Training Features and Accessories

Extra features can make potty training more fun and engaging for your child. Here are some extra potty features or accessories that might be helpful:

Potty Training Pants

Little accidents will be inevitable for a while. This isn't only until your child gets used to knowing when they need to go to the toilet, but also acts on it when they have that feeling.

Shop My Little Step Stool

Potty Step Stools

Absolutely necessary for helping your LO reach the big toilet in comfort. These help your child reach the toilet independently, which helps boost their confidence.

Splash Guards

Essential for little boys who have a tendency to spray everywhere, these help prevent messes.


Provide extra stability and security, especially for wiggly kids.


Offers additional support and comfort.


Fun characters and bright colours can make potty time more appealing.

Sounds and Lights

Interactive features can make it just a bit more fun and encourage your child to use the potty.


Choosing the right potty or potty training seat can make this developmental milestone a bit easier and more enjoyable for both you and your child in getting and staying dry. Remember, it’s all about finding what works best for your little one and each one is different. Happy potty training!

We hope you found this useful and informative.  We've also written a blogpost on potty training tips which you may also enjoy.   As always, if you've got any questions, please do feel free to contact us. The team chat pee, poo and periods all day long and are always happy to help!

About the Author: Helen Rankin, an advocate for sustainable living, embarked on her journey with reusable products when her first child was born in 2004. Facing limited options in cloth nappies, Helen’s passion only grew, leading her to launch Cheeky Wipes in 2008, right before welcoming her third child.

Helen's commitment to promoting sustainable solutions led to her taking over The Nappy Gurus in 2024. Today, she is excited to share her extensive knowledge and enthusiasm for reusable swim nappies, helping a new generation of parents navigate eco-friendly choices for water-based activities.


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