What are Muslins and How Do You Use Them?

Why You Might Just Fall in Love with Muslins

If (like me) you're first pregnant and a well meaning grandmother to be tells you that you'll need baby muslins, you may well be super confused. I had literally never heard of them pre-baby but they turned out to be an absolute essential baby product!

These nifty little fabrics are not just a trend; they are a parenting staple with a history as rich as your morning coffee. From ancient tools to modern-day must-haves, we've created this complete guide to muslin squares.

What Are Muslins?

So, what exactly are muslin cloths? Muslin is a soft, breathable, and incredibly versatile fabric known for their gentle touch and strength, which have made them a go-to fabric for centuries.

Originating from the city of Mosul in Iraq, muslins have been part of nurturing little bubs all over the world for generations.

Generally, they're used as squares of material in varying sizes, but muslin fabric is also used to make other items such as our baby hooded towels.

Shop Muslin Hooded Baby Towels

What's The Difference Between Bamboo and Cotton Muslin?

Bamboo muslin is actually bamboo viscose which produces a lovely soft material. However making this material uses a lot of harsh chemicals such as caustic soda, which aren't great for the planet. It also isn't as durable as cotton muslin.

Cotton (or even better organic cotton muslins) are a better alternative as they are more environmentally friendly.

Shop Muslin Squares

What Are Muslins Used For?

Muslins are the Swiss Army knife of the baby world. I always had some about my person because I used them in SO many ways and were great for baby's delicate skin.

Flat Nappy

Muslins make a fantastic flat nappy or nappy insert for newborns. They simply need a waterproof wrap over the top and a nappy liner to catch any poo.


I didn't bother with bibs either as muslins were bigger and just tied around my babies neck and caught so much, then could be used to wipe their face and the table afterwards!

Nursing Cover

They made a fantastic nursing cover if I was out with baby and didn't feel comfortable just whipping my boob out for whatever reason.


The absolute BEST use we made of our muslins was as a comforter for my LO. My no3 loved stroking things as he fell asleep and my health visitor recommended laying a muslin across his body as he was going to sleep. The material is breathable, which makes it safe. But the best thing is that we had LOADS of muslins. And they were all the same, so there was never any problem with losing one precious cuddly toy etc.

Shop Muslin Burp Cloths

Here’s some more ways you can use muslins:

  • Swaddling: Wrap your baby up snug and secure with a large muslin swaddle blanket
  • Sleeping Bags or Sacks: Keep them cozy all night.
  • Bath Towel - absorbent and super soft baby bath towels
  • Burp Cloths: For those little (and not so little) spills.
  • Blankets: Perfect for a quick cuddle.
  • Weather Protection: Shield your bub from sun or wind (although it isn't recommended to use these over your pram as it can make the inside of the pram too hot)
  • Wash Cloths and Clean-Ups: They’ve got you covered for any mess.


The Benefits of Muslins

Why choose muslin? Here are a few benefits of muslins:


The weft of muslin fabric makes it super breathable, no sweaty babies here, great for sensitive skin!


As we said above, muslins are super versatile. From morning cuddles to nighttime naps, you'll use them multiple times every day.


Spills and spit-ups? No problem. Muslins are super absorbent which means they'll keep you and your baby dry

Soft & Gentle on Skin

Perfect for those new, delicate baby skins each time you wash them your muslin will get softer and softer. Just note that if you live in a hard water area, you may need to tumble dry or just fabric conditioner.


Wash them, use them, love them – they last ages! Mine lasted me more than 9 years and 4 children and then I passed them on to someone else!


A pack of 12 white muslins starts from just £15.99. They make a fantastic baby shower gift as it's SUPER PRACTICAL, something you'll use literally every day.

Shop white muslin squares

How Many Muslins Do I Need?

How many muslins you stock up on can depend on your daily needs and how often you do laundry. If you wash every other day or every third day, having about 10-12 on hand ensures you’re ready for anything without constantly running the washing machine.

Are Muslins Safe?

Yes, muslins are safe for all sorts of baby needs, but here are a few tips to use them safely:

Size & Fit

Make sure swaddles are snug but not too tight. There's a great blogpost here on how to swaddle your baby.


Keep an eye on baby to ensure muslins aren’t covering their face. Although they're breathable, accidents can happen.

Washing & Care

As with any fabric, regularly wash to keep them fresh and clean from irritants.

Caring For Your Muslins

Love your muslins and they’ll love you back. Here’s how to keep them in tip-top shape:

Washing Muslins

Wash on a gentle cycle with similar colours. White or natural muslins can safely be washed to 60c and your usual detergent. Coloured muslins should be washed at 30c to keep the colours crisp and bright.

Do You Need to Wash Muslins Before Use?

Yes, it’s always a good idea to wash muslins before use to remove any manufacturing residues. if you're using them as nappy inserts, prewash 3 or 4 times to build absorbency.

Should You Iron Muslins?

No, it isn't necessary to iron muslins, but if you have absolutely nothing better to do with your time, use a low heat to keep them looking smooth without damage.


Muslins are more than just a piece of fabric; they’re a parent's best friend. Whether you’re swaddling, wiping, or comforting, these cloths have got it all. Check out our full range of muslins, products on our website, and get ready to fall in love with their magic!

Looking for more tips and tricks on baby care or just need to stock up on some essentials? Head on over to our website or get in touch—we’re here to help make parenting a breeze!



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